Wednesday, July 7, 2010

THAT'S الله

Have you ever been down and out
And nobody seems to be around for you to talk to..
THAT'S ALLOH.. He wants you to talk to Him.

Have you ever been just sitting there and
all of a sudden you feel like doing nice for someone you care for...
THAT'S ALLOH.. He talks to you.

Have you ever been thinking about somebody
that you haven't seen in a long time and then
next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call from them...
THAT'S ALLOH.. There is no such thing as "coincidence"

Have you ever received something wonderful
that you didn't even ask for
THAT'S ALLOH.. He knows the desires of your heart.

Have you ever been in a situation and
you had no clue how it is going to get better,
but now you look back on it...
THAT'S ALLOH.. He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.

In all that we do, we should totally give ALLOH
thanks and our prayers blessings will continue to multiply



Seorang lelaki dikenal sangat giat beribadah. Sayangnya ia selalu membuat orang menjadi putus asa terhadap kasih sayang Allah. Hal itu dilakukan sampai ia menemukan ajalnya.

Dalam riwayat itu dikatakan, setelah lelaki itu mati lalu menuntut kepada Tuhan dari kekhusyukan ibadahnya selama di dunia, "Tuhanku, apakah kebahagiaanku di sisi-Mu?"

"Neraka," jawab Allah.

"Tuhan, lalu di mana balasan dari kerajinan ibadahku?" tanya lelaki itu keheranan.

"Bagaimana boleh. Di dunia engkau selalu membuat orang berputus asa terhadap kasih-sayang-Ku, maka hari ini Aku juga membuat engkau putus asa terhadap kasih sayang-Ku," jawab Allah.

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