Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am Rely on You, GOD!

I am Rely on You, GOD!
Everything what I want, You know me so well. I believe that You have the best decision, the best conclusion, the best certainty for me.

But, Oh Allah, the one GOD forever, please make my dream comes true. Because not only me who passed at those exams but also my family and my da'wah. The biggest dream is I become a doctor. Oh Allah, You know me so well. You know why I have a desire to become a doctor. There are not people who know me as well as You know me. You know how much my tears out from my eye, You know how much caress to my chest when something happen, You know me how much brainstorming in my mind, and all about me, You know me so well. My desire just simple,  Your certainty is same as my desire. But, I know where my position. So, I am rely on You, Allah. I just take more effort than before and pray to You.

Please save my faith, my soul, my heart, my aim, my mind, my health, my family, my friends and another muslim around the world.

Bandung, January 9, 2011

From the deepest heart,
I pray to my GOD, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

Rosita Suryani
The servant of Allah in the world.

3 comment:

Cara Mengobati Penyakit Asam Urat said... [Reply to comment]

very good post,,,i am really god know what we want,,,i believe that,,
thanks for your share.

Obat Herbal Penyakit Maag said... [Reply to comment]

maha suci allah!!
artikelnya membuat hati saya tersentuh mbak..

makasih banyak share nya ya mbak..

Cara Mengobati Gagal Ginjal Secara Tradisional said... [Reply to comment]

i am really on you god,,its really,,,plesae don't leave me...

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